Delovanje Mladinske zadruge Panotrip bomo razvijali z vidika reševanja stvarnega problema, ki ga ima naša ciljna skupina, in sicer turisti (predvsem mladi) iščejo privlačne, inovativne in ugodne namestitve ter izlete po destinacijah v Evropi in tudi Sloveniji. V Pomurju tega zaradi pomanjkanja znanja s področja sodobnega tržnega komuniciranja, trženja turistične ponudbe posameznih lokalnih turističnih ponudnikov običajno ne najdejo. Težko je pridobiti informacije o možnostih doživetij na eni strani ter namestitve na drugi strani. Zato želimo ta dva problema povezati, saj v njiju vidimo potencial. Tako bomo turističnim ponudnikom pomagali zgraditi strategijo trženja s pomočjo sodobnih trženjskih poti ter ponudbo zbrali, poenotili in tržili predvsem mladim, družinam in razvijali še posamezne programe za skupine (seniorje, kolesarje, socialno ogrožene, srednje šole itd.). Ciljno publiko bomo zadrževali z nenehnim uvajanjem novosti, novih izletov, novih idej, nadgradnje turistične ponudbe v Pomurju. Pomurje bomo predstavljali kot neodkriti raj za vse, ki iščejo doživetja v naravi in oddih v neokrnjenem prijaznem okolju. Uvedli bomo profile na družbenih omrežjih, se povezali z obstoječimi mobilnimi aplikacijami in jih nadgradili, spodbujali bomo spoznavanje turističnih ponudnikov med seboj in ohranjali tradicionalne obrti ter tradicionalne običaje, hrano – torej prekmursko kulturo in kulinariko.
Usmerjamo se na sodelovanje s turističnimi ponudniki v Pomurju in v sodelovanju z naročniki pripravljamo programe, ponudbe in organiziramo program za skupine. Delujemo kot povezovalno orodje med kupci/gosti in ponudniki.
Erasmus+ je program EU na področju izobraževanja, usposabljanja, mladine in športa za obdobje 2021–2027.
"How to be an antiracist"
4-9 September 2023, Malta
Training course
“We need to talk about racism. And we need to act. It is always possible to change direction if there is a will to do so. I am glad to live in a society that condemns racism. But we should not stop there. The motto of our European Union is: ‘United in diversity’. Our task it to live up to these words, and to fulfill their meaning”.
- President von der Leyen, European Parliament, 17 June 2020
We participated in the "How to be an Anti-racist" TC which was organised by Salto ąnd Diversity RC and the Maltese NA, between 4-9 September in Malta. The training course was focused on how to anti-racism will strengthen anti-racist and anti-discriminatory behaviors and practices among youth professionals.
Youth exchange
The aim of the project is to bring 21st-century skills to young people and to reduce the stress and anxiety they experience to a minimum. In the process of preparing the project, we started with the idea that the feeling of inadequacy of young people is common. During the activity, activities were designed to help young people to gain 21st-century skills. The 21st-century skills discussed are as follows; creativity, teamwork, leadership, crisis management, time management, feedback, and effective communication. The main aim is to equip young people with these skills and enable them to apply them in their lives.
Project report from our participant:
The Erasmus+ project was an amazing journey that aimed to equip young people with 21st-century skills while reducing their stress and anxiety. Throughout the project, we recognized that many young individuals often feel inadequate, so there were designed activities to help them gain essential skills.
We focused on fostering creativity, teamwork, leadership, crisis management, time management, feedback, and effective communication among the participants. The main goal was to empower young people to apply these skills in their daily lives successfully. Additionally, we planned activities to help them manage stress and anxiety, promoting their mental well-being.
Alongside the learning, we had a blast with thrilling activities like ziplining, creating with clay, and playing different games, which strengthened our teamwork and communication. Serene walks around the lake provided relaxation and reflection time, connecting us with nature.
One of the highlights was exploring the cultures of Turkey, Georgia, Italy, Macedonia, Poland, and Slovenia. We learned about their traditions, food&drinks, and dances, fostering mutual understanding and appreciation.
In conclusion, the Erasmus+ project offered an amazing experience with valuable skills, intercultural bonds, and cherished memories. It was an empowering and unforgettable journey of personal growth and many friendships.
-Mija Bezgovsek
Training course
Training course on dealing with gender stereotyping and gender-based violence through local and online youth work activities.
Gender equality is an essential aim for any society based on human rights, democracy and the rule of law. Gender equality concerns almost every aspect of social interaction and public policy, including youth policy and youth work. Every individual is directly and personally affected by issues relating to gender equality and gender-based violence. However, discussing gender and gender-based violence can be difficult, as these discussions include concepts and terms which are not always clear, which may change over time, and which cut across different disciplines such as psychology, sociology, culture, medicine, law, education, activism or politics
Project report from our participant:
In June, I attended a training course hosted by H2O - Associação de Jovens de Arrouquelas in Rio Maior, Portugal. The training course was titled ˝Wo+Men Rights˝, and I participated in various activities, stories, discussions, role play, and more. During the training course, we frequently worked in groups; therefore, I practiced my group work skills, participated in discussions, asked questions, met new people, listened to their thoughts and ideas, and shared my own. The trainers clarified the terminology on the topic, and we identified levels of gender-based violence. All this will enable me to raise awareness of gender-based violence when working with young people. I had the opportunity to work with people from different countries and cultures, which allowed me to gain insight into various interpretations of different situations related to gender-based violence, biases, stereotypes, and social norms. This made it easier for me to tolerate other peoples opinions and see them from a different point of view, and thus to better understand the actions of individuals and society as a whole. Throughout the training course, we were encouraged to evaluate on an ongoing basis the knowledge we already have and that we still want to acquire. We also shared this with the other training course participants, usually in pairs. This has contributed to my self-assessment; it made me think about my aspirations and goals and about the knowledge on this topic I still want to gain. Overall, it was an educational and enjoyable training course, and I gained a lot of new experience. This was my first training course; therefore, I did not quite know what to expect. However, it exceeded my expectations in every way. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to participate in this training course, and I hope to be able to attend more in the future.
- Urška Borko
Training course
#EYY2022 Antalya Forum aims to unite youth workers engaged in activities within the scope of EUROPEAN YEAROFYOUTH2022.
What is the European Year of Youth?
2022 is the European Year of Youth, highlighting the importance of European youth to build a better future – greener, more inclusive and digital. With plenty of opportunities to learn, share your vision, meet people and engage in activities all over Europe, the European Year of Youth is the moment to move forward with confidence and hope in a post-pandemic perspective.
About Antalya Forum:
The Forum invites youth workers, youth leaders, and youth trainers in order to share the practices and activities organized within the scope of EUROPEAN YEAR OF YOUTH 2022. At the same time, the participants discover the different implementations from different countries. The forum will also host outstanding speakers and panelists during the activity in Antalya.
Mladinska izmenjava
Mladinska izmenjava Erasmus+ "Stare tradicije, nove ideje" je potekala od 11.11. do 19.11.2022. Izmenjave se je udeležilo 32 mladih iz Portugalske, Romunije, Bolgarije in Slovenije. Z mladinsko izmenjavo smo spoznavali podjetništvo na podeželju in njegov vpliv na lokalno okolje, udeleženci pa so razvijali svoje osebne in socialne kompetence. Z izmenjavo so udeleženci nadgradili tudi znanje tujih jezikov ter prek druženja z udeleženci iz tujih držav in kulturnih večerov spoznavali nove kulture in njihovo kulinariko. Z aktivnim in neformalnim učenjem so udeleženci spoznali pomen podjetništva na podeželju, izvajali pa smo tudi različne igre, kot so Marshmallow, Vilage run, Elevator in druge igre, s katerimi smo udeležence spodbudili k razmišljanju o temi in razvijanju idej. V tem času so udeleženci spoznali in obiskali tudi mlade uspešne podjetnike. Prvo podjetje, ki so ga obiskali, je bila čokoladnica Passero, kjer nam je lastnik predstavil svoje podjetniške začetke in svojo pot. Drugo podjetje je bilo slaščičarna Zver, kjer nam je mlada slaščičarka, kjer nam je mlada podjetnica predstavila njene začetke. Obiskal nas je tudi mladi kmetijski podjetnik Adam Novak s kmetije Novak, ki nam je pokazal, da je kmetijstvo lahko poslovna priložnost in da je mogoče vse razviti "samo" iz kmetijstva. Izvedli smo tudi analizo SWOT in načrt za poslovno idejo. Ki sta predstavljena tudi v priročniku "Stare tradicije, nove ideje" , ki je prav tako rezultat naše mladinske izmenjave ( ).
Sodelujoče organizacije:,%20new%20ideas.pdf
Mladinska izmenjava
Glavni cilj naše mladinske izmenjave je bil spodbuditi mlade, da začnejo razmišljati že o svoji nadaljnji karierni poti. Predvsem smo delali na tem, da smo mlade motivirali, da so poiščejo primere dobrih praks na podeželju in vidijo priložnosti na podeželju. Cilj naše prve mladinske izmenjave je bil, da povežemo vedoželjne mlade, ki imajo motivacijo in voljo, da dosežejo svoje cilje, imajo pozitiven odnos in so optimistični.
Sodelujoče organizacije:
Mladinska zadruga Panotrip z.b.o. - socialno podjetje
T: 031 590 060